• Etiologie

  • Facteurs exogènes : Agents infectieux

  • Lymphome

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in people with HIV

Menée à partir de données canadiennes et américaines portant sur 102 131 personnes infectées par le VIH sur la période 1996-2014, cette étude de cohorte analyse l'association entre l'immunosuppression, le taux de VIH dans le sang et le risque de lymphome non hodgkinien par sous-type histologique

One of the early defining hallmarks of the AIDS epidemic was the manifestation of malignant diseases. So great was the preponderance of these diseases, and devastating their clinical outcome, that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included malignant diseases—ie, Kaposi's sarcoma, cervical cancer, and intermediate-grade and high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma—in the revised case-definition of AIDS. These cancers were marked by their aggressive clinical phenotype and the challenges of using traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy in a patient population already afflicted by advanced immunosuppression and multiple and problematic comorbidities.

The Lancet HIV

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