Observation for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer
Menée sur une cohorte de 15 170 patients atteints d'un cancer localisé de la prostate diagnostiqué entre 1995 et 2008, cette étude rétrospective évalue les effets d'un traitement anti-androgénique sur la mortalité spécifique et la mortalité toutes causes confondues
A 68-year-old white man with a family history of prostate cancer (brother diagnosed at age 60 years), had 9-year history of fluctuating and elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA), ranging from 3.7 to 10.8 ng/mL. Two previous prostate needle biopsies were negative for prostate cancer. A third biopsy showed Gleason 7 (3 4) prostate cancer in the left apex involving 40% of a core and Gleason 6 (3 3) carcinoma in the left midgland involving 50% of a core (Fig 1). His clinical stage is T1c...