• Traitements

  • Traitements systémiques : applications cliniques

  • Lymphome

Is Early Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation Necessary in Mantle-Cell Lymphoma?

A partir de données portant sur 519 patients atteints d'un lymphome à cellules du manteau et traités entre 1996 et 2007, cette étude analyse l'efficacité de différentes modalités d'administration d'une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques

The unifying concept defining mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL) as a t(11;14)-containing lymphoma driven by cyclinD1dates to the early 1990s. With median survival of 3 to 5 years, MCL was then considered aggressive. Now, however, with overall survival (OS) in the range of 7 years, even without novel agents, and the lack of a plateau in survival, it is reasonable to consider MCL as a low-grade lymphoma.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

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