Bulletin n°100
Facteurs endogènes (15)
Menée dans 10 pays européens, cette étude multi-centrique (1 779 cas et 1 993 témoins) évalue l'association entre l'histoire médicale du patient (herpès, verrues, pyrosis, régurgitations), les médicaments utilisés et le risque de cancer des voies aérodigestives supérieures
Role of medical history and medication use in the aetiology of upper aerodigestive tract cancers in Europe: the ARCAGE study
Annals of Oncology
Couplée à la cohorte européenne EPIC, cette étude (554 cas et 821 témoins) évalue l'association entre le niveau sérique d'hormones sexuelles stéroïdiennes et le risque de cancer du sein HER+ et HER- après la ménopause
Postmenopausal serum sex steroids and risk of hormone receptor positive and negative breast cancer: a nested case-control study
Cancer Prevention Research
Couplée aux données de la cohorte "Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium", cette étude (8 576 cas et 11 892 témoins) évalue l'influence de polymorphismes génétiques à simple nucléotide sur les associations connues entre divers facteurs de risque et le cancer du sein
Interactions Between Genetic Variants and Breast Cancer Risk Factors in the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
A partir des données de la cohorte européenne EPIC, cette étude cas-témoins évalue l'association entre le niveau d'hormones circulantes IGF-I et IGFBP-3 et le risque de tumeurs cérébrales
Concentrations of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and Brain Tumor Risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention
Menée en Suède auprès de 354 860 participants, cette étude de cohorte évalue l'association entre l'âge gestationnel à la naissance (né prématuré, grand prématuré, né à terme) et le risque de cancer du testicule
Gestational age at birth and risk of testicular cancer
International Journal of Cancer
Cette étude italienne (61 cas et 122 témoins) évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes des gènes TP53 et MDM2 et le risque d'un carcinome hépatocellulaire associé à une hépatite virale
TP53 and MDM2 gene polymorphisms and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italian patients
Infectious Agents and Cancer
Cette étude de cohorte prospective en population suédoise (36 959 participants agés de 45 à 79 ans) évalue l'association entre l'indice de masse corporelle au début et milieu de l'âge adulte et le risque de cancer de la prostate par stade (localisé, avancé et fatal)
Body mass index in early and middle-late adulthood and risk of localised, advanced and fatal prostate cancer: a population-based prospective study
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature, cette méta-analyse évalue l'association entre le diabète et le risque de cholangiocarcinome (tumeur des voies biliaires)
Diabetes mellitus and increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma: a meta-analysis
European Journal of Cancer Prevention
Cette étude de cohorte norvégienne (58 191 participantes) évalue l'association entre des facteurs reproductifs, la taille, l'indice de masse corporelle et le risque de cancer du sein chez des femmes ménopausées
Menée en Israël, cette étude de cohorte historique évalue l'association entre un diabète pendant la grossesse et le risque de cancers
Gestational diabetes and risk of incident primary cancer: a large historical cohort study in Israel
Cancer Causes and Control
Cette étude américaine (706 cas et 706 témoins) évalue l'association entre 41 polymorphismes à simple nucléotide de 10 gènes de l'axe IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor) et le risque de cancer du pancréas
Insulin-like growth factor axis gene polymorphisms modify risk of pancreatic cancer
Cancer Epidemiology
Menée à partir des données de plusieurs études de cohortes prospectives (1 297 124 femmes), cette méta-anlyse évalue l'association entre la taille de l'individu et le risque de cancer
Job-exposure matrix for historical exposures to rubber dust, rubber fumes and n-Nitrosamines in the British rubber industry
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer risk: results from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort
PALB2 as a familial gastric cancer gene: is the wait over?
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Germline pathogenic variants in PALB2 and other cancer-predisposing genes in families with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer without CDH1 mutation: a whole-exome sequencing study
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Reduced Risk of Prostate Cancer With 5alpha-Reductase Inhibitors
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Risk of Prostate Cancer in Men Treated With 5alpha-Reductase Inhibitors—A Large Population-Based Prospective Study
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
A Metabolomics Analysis of Body Mass Index and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Using Metabolomics to Explore the Role of Postmenopausal Adiposity in Breast Cancer Risk
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Association of breast and ovarian cancers with predisposition genes identified by large-scale sequencing
JAMA Oncology
Use of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) contaminated valsartan products and risk of cancer: Danish nationwide cohort study
Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015
The Lancet
Should the FDA Ban Cigarette Filter Ventilation?
Cigarette Filter Ventilation and its Relationship to Increasing Rates of Lung Adenocarcinoma
Data on mesothelioma mortality: a powerful tool for preventing asbestos-related disease
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Non-occupational exposure to asbestos and risk of pleural mesothelioma: review and meta-analysis
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
HABP2 G534E Mutation in Familial Nonmedullary Thyroid Cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
HABP2 in Familial Non-medullary Thyroid Cancer: Will the Real Mutation Please Stand Up?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Chronic Hepatitis and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Among People With HIV: Implications for Screening, Treatment, and Prevention
Annals of Internal Medicine
Chronic Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection and Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in HIV-Infected Patients: A Cohort Study
Annals of Internal Medicine
Caesarean delivery and risk of childhood leukaemia: a pooled analysis from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC)
The Lancet Haematology
Stressful exit from the womb and risk of childhood leukaemia
The Lancet Haematology
Physical activity and digestive system cancer risk: Still chasing the promise
JAMA Oncology
Association of physical activity by type and intensity with digestive system cancer risk
JAMA Oncology
Beyond Epstein-Barr virus: genetic predisposition of natural killer T-cell lymphoma
The Lancet Oncology
Understanding the contribution of family history to colorectal cancer risk and its clinical implications: A state-of-the-science review
Genome-wide association studies in oesophageal adenocarcinoma and Barrett's oesophagus: a large-scale meta-analysis
The Lancet Oncology
Genetic risk of extranodal natural killer T-cell lymphoma: a genome-wide association study
The Lancet Oncology
Germline Mutations in the BRIP1, BARD1, PALB2, and NBN Genes in Women With Ovarian Cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
BRIP1 as an ovarian cancer susceptibility gene: ready for the clinic?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
A Rare Truncating BRCA2 Variant and Genetic Susceptibility to Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Germline sequence variants and ovarian cancer: Known-knowns and known-unknowns
JAMA Oncology
Inherited mutations in cancer susceptibility genes are common among survivors of breast cancer who develop therapy-related leukemia
Cancer susceptibility genes and their potential implication regarding systemic therapy for early-stage breast cancer
An Active Lifestyle for Cancer Prevention
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Television Viewing and Time Spent Sedentary in Relation to Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Sedentary behavior increases the risk of certain cancers
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Calcium, Vitamin D, Dairy Products, and Mortality Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors: The Cancer Prevention Study-II Nutrition Cohort
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy and Colorectal Cancer Risk
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Antihypertension and Colorectal Cancer Prevention: Getting Two Birds With One Stone?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Challenges in investigating the association between Agent Orange and cancer: Site-specific cancer risk and accuracy of exposure assessment
Menée en population taïwanaise auprès de femmes agées de 13 à 65 ans, cette étude (67 936 cas et 135 872 témoins) évalue l'association entre une maladie inflammatoire pelvienne et le risque de cancer de l'ovaire
MC1R variants in childhood and adolescent melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis of a multicentre cohort
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health
MC1R minor variants and the multiple pathways to melanoma
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health
Cancer mortality and incidence following external occupational radiation exposure: an update of the 3rd analysis of the UK national registry for radiation workers
British Journal of Cancer
Monogenic and polygenic determinants of sarcoma risk: an international genetic study
The Lancet Oncology
Associations of Body Mass Index, Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption With Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Asia Cohort Consortium
American Journal of Epidemiology
Invited Commentary: Screening and the Elusive Etiology of Prostate Cancer
American Journal of Epidemiology
The merits and limits of pooling data from nuclear power worker studies
The Lancet Haematology
Ionising radiation and risk of death from leukaemia and lymphoma in radiation-monitored workers (INWORKS): an international cohort study
The Lancet Haematology
Second primary malignancies with lenalidomide therapy for newly diagnosed myeloma: a meta-analysis of individual patient data
The Lancet Oncology
Association between Cutaneous Nevi and Breast Cancer in the Nurses' Health Study: A Prospective Cohort Study
Association between Melanocytic Nevi and Risk of Breast Diseases: The French E3N Prospective Cohort
Melanocytic Nevi as Biomarkers of Breast Cancer Risk
Risk of ovarian cancer in women with pelvic inflammatory disease: a population-based study
The Lancet Oncology
Inverse association between cancer and Alzheimer’s disease: results from the Framingham Heart Study
British Medical Journal
A reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease in those who survive cancer
British Medical Journal
A (relatively) risky business: the link between prostatic radiotherapy and second malignancies
Second malignancies after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
Menée entre 1995 et 2006 auprès de 187 865 femmes ménopausées âgées de 50 à 71 ans, cette étude, couplée à la cohorte américaine “NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study", évalue l'association entre des facteurs reproductifs et hormonaux et le risque de cancer de la thyroïde
Hormonal and reproductive factors and risk of postmenopausal thyroid cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
Cancer Epidemiology
Menée à partir des données de registres des cancers auprès de 152 enfants de moins de 15 ans nés en Norvège, Suède, Finlande ou au Danemark, cette étude évalue l'association entre les caractéristiques périnatales et le risque de cancer des cellules germinales durant l'enfance
Perinatal risk factors for childhood testicular germ-cell cancer: A Nordic population-based study
Cancer Epidemiology
Facteurs exogènes : Agents infectieux (3)
Cette étude (254 cas et 250 témoins) évalue l'association entre une infection par le papillomavirus humain et le risque de polypes colorectaux
No evidence for human papillomavirus in the etiology of colorectal polyps
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention
Menée en Chine, cette étude (645 cas et 711 témoins) évalue l'association entre le groupe sanguin A, B, O, une infection par le virus de l'hépatite B, et le risque de cancer du pancréas
ABO blood group, hepatitis B viral infection, and risk of pancreatic cancer
International Journal of Cancer
Menée en Australie, cette étude (312 cas et 398 témoins) évalue l'association entre une infection par Helicobacter pylori et le risque d'endobrachyœsophage
Helicobacter pylori infection and the risks of Barrett's oesophagus: A population-based case–control study
International Journal of Cancer
Facteurs exogènes : Alcool (2)
Menée en Chine, cette étude (1 009 cas et 1 009 témoins) évalue l'association entre une consommation modérée d'alcool et le risque de cancer du sein
Cette étude sud-coréenne (1 242 cas et 3 019 témoins) évalue l’association entre la consommation d’alcool, le tabagisme et le risque d’adénome colorectal avancé ou multiple
Associations of Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Consumption With Advanced or Multiple Colorectal Adenoma Risks: A Colonoscopy-based Case-Control Study in Korea
American Journal of Epidemiology
Facteurs exogènes : Autres (1)
A partir d'une enquête menée dans la province de Shanxi, cette étude chinoise (1 515 cas et 1 514 témoins) évalue les facteurs de risques pour un cancer oesophagien ou gastrique
Risk factors for esophageal and gastric cancers in Shanxi Province, China: A case-control study
Cancer Epidemiology
Facteurs exogènes : Environnement (5)
Couplée aux données des registres suédois des cancers, cette étude en population (115 016 cas et 987 893 témoins) met en évidence l'absence d'effet protecteur d'une exposition solaire intensive générant une importante production de vitamine D sur le risque de cancers internes (principalement côlon, prostate, sein, ovaire) chez des patients déjà diagnostiqués avec un carcinome basocellulaire en lien avec cette exposition
Previous extensive sun exposure and subsequent vitamin D production in patients with basal cell carcinoma of the skin, has no protective effect on internal cancers
Menée dans la région de Kempen (frontière belgo-néerlandaise), cette étude évalue l'association entre des émissions de cadmium dans des fonderies de zinc et l'incidence de cancers
Variation in cancer incidence in northeastern Belgium and southeastern Netherlands seems unrelated to cadmium emission of zinc smelters
European Journal of Cancer Prevention
Menée au Danemark, en Suède, en Norvège et en Suisse (352 cas et 646 témoins), cette étude multi-centrique évalue l'association entre l'utilisation de téléphones portables et le risque de tumeurs cérébrales chez les enfants et les adolescents
Assisted Reproductive Technology and Risk of Childhood Cancers
JAMA Network Open
Association Between Changes in Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk
JAMA Network Open
Obesity Elevates Cancer Survivors’ Risk of Second Cancer: Identifying Modifiable Risk Factors for Second Cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Body Mass Index and Risk of Second Cancer among Women with Breast Cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Association of immunosuppression and HIV viraemia with non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk overall and by subtype in people living with HIV in Canada and the USA: a multicentre cohort study
The Lancet HIV
Should we expand the carbon ion footprint of prostate cancer?
The Lancet Oncology
Risk of subsequent primary cancers after carbon ion radiotherapy, photon radiotherapy, or surgery for localised prostate cancer: a propensity score-weighted, retrospective, cohort study
The Lancet Oncology
Is vasectomy a cause of prostate cancer?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Vasectomy and prostate cancer risk: a 38-year nationwide cohort study
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Type and timing of menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of the worldwide epidemiological evidence
The Lancet
Breast cancer risk in transgender people: the value of gaining new insights from other sources
British Medical Journal
Breast cancer risk in transgender people receiving hormone treatment: nationwide cohort study in the Netherlands
British Medical Journal
Population attributable fractions continue to unmask the power of prevention
British Journal of Cancer
The fraction of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the United Kingdom in 2015
British Journal of Cancer
Mixing Mutation Location With Carcinogen Exposure: A Recipe for Tissue Specificity in BRCA2-Associated Cancers?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Association of BRCA2 K3326* With Small Cell Lung Cancer and Squamous Cell Cancer of the Skin
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohort studies
The Lancet Haematology
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and risk of lung cancer: population based cohort study
Association of body fat and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women with normal body mass index: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial and observational study
JAMA Oncology
Overall and Central Obesity and Risk of Lung Cancer: A Pooled Analysis
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Multiple myeloma and its precursor disease among firefighters exposed to the world trade center disaster
JAMA Oncology
Some thoughts on exposure to the world trade center wreckage and cancer
JAMA Oncology
Effect of hot tea consumption and its interactions with alcohol and tobacco use on the risk for esophageal cancer: A population-based cohort study
Annals of Internal Medicine
Lung Cancer, Smoking, and Obesity: It’s Complicated
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
White blood cell BRCA1 promoter methylation status and ovarian cancer risk
Annals of Internal Medicine
White blood cell BRCA1 promoter methylation status and ovarian cancer risk: A perspective
Annals of Internal Medicine
Breast implants and the risk of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma in the breast
JAMA Oncology
Association of breast implants with anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
JAMA Oncology
Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer: Both Cause and Effect
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Pancreatic Cancer Following Incident Diabetes in African Americans and Latinos: The Multiethnic Cohort
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Opportunities for early detection of endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding
JAMA Internal Medicine
Association of endometrial cancer risk with postmenopausal bleeding in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
JAMA Internal Medicine
Maternal use of hormonal contraception and risk of childhood leukaemia: a nationwide, population-based cohort study
The Lancet Oncology
Prevalence of human papillomavirus DNA and p16 INK4a in penile cancer and penile intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Lancet Oncology
Breast cancer risk after recent childbirth: A pooled analysis of 15 prospective studies
Annals of Internal Medicine
Learning from temporal relationships: Childbirth and breast cancer risk
Annals of Internal Medicine
Vasectomy and Risk of Prostate Cancer: How to Weigh Current Evidence
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Adiposity and cancer at major anatomical sites: umbrella review of the literature
Clinical characterization of the pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma susceptibility genes SDHA, TMEM127, MAX, and SDHAF2 for gene-informed prevention
JAMA Oncology
A partir des données de l'étude internationale INTERPHONE (1 105 cas et 2 145 témoins), cet article évalue l'association entre l'usage du téléphone mobile et le risque de neurinome acoustique
Acoustic neuroma risk in relation to mobile telephone use: Results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study
Cancer Epidemiology
Menée à partir de mesures du champ magnétique à l'intérieur des maisons et à distance des lignes à haute tension, cette étude brésilienne (162 cas et 565 témoins) évalue l'association entre un champ électromagnétique de 60 Hz et le risque de leucémie lymphocytaire aiguë chez l'enfant à Sao Paulo
Exposure to magnetic fields and childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia in São Paulo, Brazil
Cancer Epidemiology
Facteurs exogènes : Exposition professionnelle (2)
Couplée à une cohorte danoise, cette étude (310 cas et 1 240 témoins) évalue l'association entre le travail posté en 3x8 et le risque de cancer du sein chez les infirmières
Case–control study of shift-work and breast cancer risk in Danish nurses: Impact of shift systems
Menée au Danemark, en Finlande, en Islande, en Norvège et en Suède, cette étude évalue l'association entre une exposition à des facteurs de risque d'origine professionnelle et le risque de carcinome des trompes de Fallope chez des salariées de divers secteurs d'activité
Occupation and risk of primary fallopian tube carcinoma in nordic countries
International Journal of Cancer
Facteurs exogènes : Nutrition et activité physique (3)
A partir des données de la cohorte "NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study" incluant 198 404 femmes agées de 50 à 71 ans, cette étude américaine évalue l'association entre la consommation de café et le risque de cancer du sein
Coffee intake and breast cancer risk in the NIH-AARP diet and health cohort study
International Journal of Cancer
Menée en population coréenne, cette étude transversale évalue l'association entre la consommation alimentaires de produits réfrigérés, de sel, de fruits et de légumes, et le risque de cancer de l'estomac
Ecological study for refrigerator use, salt, vegetable, and fruit intakes, and gastric cancer
Cancer Causes and Control
Cette étude américaine (497 cas et 638 témoins) évalue l’association entre la consommation de nutriments, les variants de gènes impliqués dans la voie du métabolisme monocarboné et le risque de lymphome de Hodgkin
Nutrients and Genetic Variation Involved in One-Carbon Metabolism and Hodgkin Lymphoma Risk: A Population-based Case-Control Study
American Journal of Epidemiology
Facteurs exogènes : THS et contraceptifs (1)
A partir des données d'une cohorte prospective britannique, cette étude cas-témoins combinée à une méta-analyse évalue l'association entre l'utilisation d'un traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause et le risque de cancer gastrointestinal
Menopausal hormone therapy and risk of gastrointestinal cancer: Nested case–control study within a prospective cohort, and meta-analysis
International Journal of Cancer
Facteurs exogènes : Tabac (1)
A partir des données de la cohorte américaine "National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study" incluant 281 394 hommes et 186 134 femmes, cette étude évalue l'association entre le tabagisme et le risque de cancer de la vessie
Interactions gènes-environnement (2)
Couplée à la cohorte "California Teachers Study", cette étude américaine (286 cas et 488 témoins) évalue les interactions entre des variants de gènes du métabolisme des hormones sexuelles et un traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause, et leur impact sur le risque de cancer de l'endomètre
Variations in sex hormone metabolism genes, postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of endometrial cancer
International Journal of Cancer
Menée auprès de familles américaines, cette étude cas-témoins (577 cas et 307 témoins) évalue l'association entre des polymorphismes des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme de substances cancérigènes, la consommation de viandes rouge et blanche, et le risque de cancer colorectal
Carcinogen metabolism genes, red meat and poultry intake, and colorectal cancer risk
International Journal of Cancer