• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Approches psycho-sociales

Differences in depressed oncologic patients' narratives after receiving two different therapeutic interventions for depression: a qualitative study

A partir de l'analyse de 8 enregistrements vidéos de groupes de paroles et d'entretiens semi-dirigés comprenant 28 participants, cette étude qualitative espagnole compare le vécu de patients atteints d'un cancer et ayant reçu un traitement antidépresseur associé ou non à une psychothérapie

This study aims to explore differences in personal narratives of the experience of illness and treatment in depressed oncologic patients who received either combined treatment for depression (psychotherapy plus antidepressants) or standard treatment (antidepressants alone). Methods We employed a qualitative research design based on grounded theory. Data were collected from eight videotaped focus groups and semi-structured interviews with a total of 28 participants. The research team reviewed interview transcripts and categorized the participants' responses using the ATLAS.ti (ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH Hardenbergstr. 7 D-10623, Berlin) software package. Results Compared with patients in the standard treatment group, patients in the combined treatment group were better able to relate their experiences of physical and emotional discomfort and find meaning in the experience of illness by viewing cancer as a transformative experience. In addition, patients in the combined treatment group tended to use more active coping strategies based on acceptance of their situation and emphasized that psychotherapy had been helpful. Conclusions Qualitative analysis is an efficient method of examining the meaning of quantitative results in depth, particularly patients' perspectives on quality of life. Patients undergoing combined treatment consider psychotherapy to be a helpful tool and exhibit more personal growth than do patients undergoing standard treatment.


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