• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

  • Col de l'utérus

Cervical Cancer Control: Deaf and Hearing Women’s Response to an Educational Video

Cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'une vidéo pédagogique en langage des signes à destination des femmes sourdes (127 participantes) et entendantes (106 participantes) pour améliorer leurs connaissances relatives au cancer du col de l'utérus

Deaf people encounter barriers to accessing cancer information. In this study, a graphically enriched educational video about cervical cancer was created in American Sign Language, with English open captioning and voice overlay. Deaf ( n = 127) and hearing ( n = 106) women completed cancer knowledge surveys before and after viewing the video. Hearing women yielded higher scores before the intervention. Both groups demonstrated a significant increase in general and cervical cancer knowledge after viewing the video, rendering posttest knowledge scores nearly equal between the groups. These findings indicate that this video is an effective strategy for increasing cervical cancer knowledge among deaf women.


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