• Etiologie

  • Facteurs exogènes : Exposition professionnelle

  • Poumon

Risk of Lung Cancer and Occupational History: Results of a French Population-Based Case-Control Study, the ICARE Study

A partir de l'histoire professionnelle des participants et de deux listes de métiers, cette étude française (2 923 cas et 3 555 témoins) évalue l'association entre une exposition à des facteurs de risque d'origine professionnelle (connus ou suspectés) et le risque de cancer du poumon

Objectives: To assess the risk of lung cancer associated with occupations and industries. Methods: A French population-based case-control study included 2923 cases and 3555 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Two lists of occupations known (A) or suspected (B) to be associated with lung cancer were used. Occupations and industries not included in these lists were also explored. Results: Among men, the smoking-adjusted odds ratio was 1.97 for list A (attributable fraction: 12.3%), 1.4 for list B (due especially to carpenters/joiners and transport workers). Among unlisted occupations, excess risks were found for welders, plumbers, and several construction crafts. Odds ratios among women were elevated for list A, list B (due especially to launderers/dry cleaners), cleaners and hairdressers. Conclusions: These results confirm the role of known occupations and give insight into new occupational risk factors among men and women.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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