Bulletin n°103
Chimioprévention (2)
Couplée à une cohorte américaine (SWOG S 9917), cet essai randomisé de phase III (423 cas) évalue l'effet d'une supplémentation en sélénium sur le risque de cancer de la prostate chez l'homme atteint d'une néoplasie intraépithéliale prostatique de haut grade
Phase III Trial of Selenium to Prevent Prostate Cancer in Men with High-grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia: SWOG S9917
Cancer Prevention Research
Cet article fait le point sur les travaux récents concernant le rôle et l'efficacité des substances d'origine végétale dans la prévention du cancer colorectal
Comportements individuels (2)
Menée auprès de 951 adolescents fumeurs, cette étude de cohorte américaine analyse leurs connaissances et leurs comportements tabagiques par utilisation de la pipe à eau
Examining Hookah Smoking Among a Cohort of Adolescent Ever Smokers
Nicotine & Tobacco Research
Menée auprès de 2 000 survivants d'un cancer colorectal, cette étude analyse les facteurs médicaux, démographiques et sociaux associés à la pratique d'une activité physique pour l'amélioration de la qualité de vie et la prévention du risque de récidive
Medical, demographic and social cognitive correlates of physical activity in a population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors
European Journal of Cancer Care
Nutrition et prévention (1)
Cette méta-analyse (33 études) évalue l'association entre la consommation de caroténoïdes (alpha, béta, lutéine, lycopène et zéaxanthine) et le risque de cancer du sein
Carotenoids and breast cancer risk : a meta-analysis and meta-regression
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Vaccins (2)
Menée au Costa-Rica auprès de 7 466 femmes âgées de 18 à 25 ans, cette étude évalue l'efficacité du vaccin anti-HPV 16 et 18 contre une infection persistante du papillomavirus humain en fonction de l'âge et de l'activité sexuelle des patientes (durée médiane de suivi : 50,4 mois)
Prevention of persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection by a HPV 16/18 vaccine: a community-based randomized clinical trial in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Cancer Discovery
Mené au Costa-Rica auprès de 5 967 patientes, cet essai randomisé montre que deux doses du vaccin Cervarix anti-HPV16 et 18 sont aussi efficaces que 3 doses pour la prévention du cancer du col de l'utérus (durée médiane de suivi : 4,2 ans)
Cervical Precancers and Cancers Attributed to HPV Types by Race and Ethnicity: Implications for Vaccination, Screening, and Management
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
How Can We Pursue Equity in Cervical Cancer Prevention with Existing HPV Genotype Differences?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Chemoprevention with low-dose aspirin, mesalazine, or both in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis without previous colectomy (J-FAPP Study IV): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, two-by-two factorial design trial
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Low-dose aspirin and mesalazine for patients with familial adenomatous polyposis
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes are a sweet deal: Improve health, save money, reduce disparities, and raise revenue
JNCI Cancer Spectrum
Cost-Effectiveness of a National Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax to Reduce Cancer Burden and Disparities in the United States
JNCI Cancer Spectrum
An application of the Science Impact Framework to the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network from 2014-2018
Preventive Medicine
The Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN): Advancing public health and implementation science
Preventive Medicine
Effects of aspirin on risks of vascular events and cancer according to bodyweight and dose: analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials
The Lancet
Association of Aspirin and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs With Colorectal Cancer Risk by Molecular Subtypes
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
NSAIDs and Colorectal Cancer Phenotypes: What Now?
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Organic foods for cancer prevention—worth the investment?
JAMA Internal Medicine
Association of frequency of organic food consumption with cancer risk: Findings from the nutrinet-santé prospective cohort study
JAMA Internal Medicine
Screening Tools for Who Will Start Smoking and the Future of Clinical Prediction
A Tool to Identify Adolescents at Risk of Cigarette Smoking Initiation
Effect of a workplace-based group training programme combined with financial incentives on smoking cessation: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
The Lancet Public Health
Monetary incentives for smoking cessation in workplaces
The Lancet Public Health
Pharmacological TLR4 Antagonism Using Topical Resatorvid Blocks Solar UV-Induced Skin Tumorigenesis in SKH-1 Mice
Cancer Prevention Research
Sun protection and skin self-examination and the us preventive services task force recommendation on behavioral counseling for skin cancer prevention
Should pediatricians be more proactive in counseling children about skin cancer risk? Implications of the USPSTF recommendation statement
JAMA Pediatrics
Local Movement to Ban Menthol Tobacco Products as a Result of Federal Inaction
JAMA Internal Medicine
Association of Ontario’s Ban on Menthol Cigarettes With Smoking Behavior 1 Month After Implementation
JAMA Internal Medicine
USPSTF recommendations for behavioral counseling for skin cancer prevention: Throwing shade on UV radiation
JAMA Internal Medicine
The value of behavioral counseling for skin cancer prevention: Actions we can take now and guidance for the future
JAMA Oncology
Behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer: Us preventive services task force recommendation statement
Behavioral counseling for skin cancer prevention: Evidence report and systematic review for the us preventive services task force
The Value of Helicobacter Eradication in Long-term Aspirin Users
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Aspirin and Risk of Gastric Cancer After Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Territory-Wide Study
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Prediction of cervical cancer incidence in England, UK, up to 2040, under four scenarios : a modelling study
The Lancet Public Health
Combining Variables for Cancer Risk Estimation: Is the Sum Better than the Parts?
Cancer Prevention Research
The Combined Association of Modifiable Risk Factors with Breast Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative
Cancer Prevention Research
Association of “weekend warrior” and other leisure time physical activity patterns with risks for all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer mortality
JAMA Internal Medicine
Preventing Endometrial Cancer : Weighing the Evidence
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015 : a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
The Lancet
Intentional Weight Loss and Endometrial Cancer Risk
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Association of coffee consumption with total and cause-specific mortality among nonwhite populations
Annals of Internal Medicine
Is coffee consumption associated with lower risk for death?
Annals of Internal Medicine
Moderate coffee intake can be part of a healthy diet
Annals of Internal Medicine
Coffee drinking and mortality in 10 european countries : A multinational cohort study
Annals of Internal Medicine
Physical activity on the weekend : Can it wait until then ?
JAMA Internal Medicine
Coffee consumption and health : umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes
Oncologic safety of prophylactic nipple-sparing mastectomy in a population with BRCA mutations : A multi-institutional study
JAMA Surgery
When is a little breast tissue too much ? Nipple-sparing risk-reducing mastectomy in brca carriers
JAMA Surgery