Association of rib anomalies and childhood cancers
Cette étude cas-témoins menée en hôpital analyse l'association entre une anomalie costale congénitale et le risque de cancer pédiatrique
Congenital anomalies have been found more often in children with cancer than in those without. Rib abnormalities (RAs) have been associated with childhood cancer; however, studies have differed in the type of RAs and cancers implicated. Methods: Rib abnormalities were assessed predominantly by X-ray in a hospital-based case–control study. Results: There was a significant difference in the number of cases vs controls with RAs after controlling for age and sex, specifically for acute myelogenous leukaemia, renal tumours, and hepatoblastoma. Conclusion: The results of this study support previous reports that there is an association of rib anomalies with childhood cancer.