Use of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots for Cancer Treatment Information

Ce dossier présente deux études évaluant la performance d'agents conversationnels (chatbots) alimentés par l'intelligence artificielle pour délivrer des informations concernant le traitement de certains cancers (mammaires, pulmonaires, prostatiques, colorectaux et cutanés)

Large language models (LLMs) underlying chatbots can mimic human language and quickly return detailed and coherent-seeming responses. These properties can obscure that chatbots might provide inaccurate information. Because patients often use the internet for self-education, some will undoubtedly use LLM chatbots to find cancer-related medical information, which could be associated with the generation and amplification of misinformation. We evaluated an LLM chatbot’s performance to provide breast, prostate, and lung cancer treatment recommendations concordant with National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines.

JAMA Oncology

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