Breast cancer screening trends in the United States and ethnicity
Menée à partir de données de 64 811 participantes de 6 groupes ethniques différents, cette étude américaine analyse et compare les pratiques de dépistage de cancer du sein en fonction de leur appartenance ethnique sur la période 1996-2007
Background: The study objectives were to compare and examine mammography use trends among ethnic/racial women in the context of United States Healthy People 2010 goals. Methods: We analyzed pooled, multistage probability sample data from the 1996-2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Included in the sample were female respondents ages 40-75 years (n=64,811) from six ethnic/racial groups (Black, White, Mexican, Other Latinas, Puerto Rican and Cuban). The primary outcome was self-reported, past two-year mammography use consistent with screening practice guidelines. Results: We found that for most U.S. women, the Healthy People 2010 mammography goal (70%) was achieved between 1996 and 2007. Puerto Rican and White women, respectively, had the highest mammography rates, and Black and Cuban women had rates that approached the 2010 goal. Conclusion: Mexican Latinas reported the lowest rates of past two-year mammography; however, factors enabling healthcare access markedly moderated this lower likelihood. From 2000, Mexican Latinas' mammography use was markedly below (10%) the Healthy People 2010 goal and remained there for the duration. Impact: Our findings indicate that healthcare equity goals are attainable if efforts are made to reach a sizable portion of vulnerable populations.