• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Observation

Burden of cancer in adolescents and young adults

Menée à une échelle internationale, cette étude présente une estimation, pour l'année 2019, de l'incidence des cancers chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes (âge : 15-39 ans), des années de vie perdues ajustées sur l'incapacité et de la mortalité spécifique

Cancer in adolescents and young adults is increasingly recognised as a distinct diseaseentity, due to specific features in this age group that separate it from the typicalpaediatric and adult counterparts. These include some cancers that are common in the paediatric age group (0–14 years),others that are largely specific to adolescents and young adults (15–39 years), anda subset of cancers that are common in adults (≥40 years). Tumour types common toother age groups potentially have different biological risk factors and clinical behaviour. Most adolescent and young adult patients are treated in adult cancer centres, althoughincreasingly more paediatric clinical trials are opening up for enrolment of adolescentand young adult patients with paediatric type diagnoses, with new models of collaborativecare. The study in The Lancet Oncology by the GBD 2019 Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Collaborators is an informative analysis focusing on the global scope and burden of cancer specificallyin the adolescent and young adult population, with estimates of disability-adjustedlife-years (DALYs) lost, relying on data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries,and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019. The broad definition of adolescents and young adults encompasses individuals aged15–39 years, which is the age range used by the GBD 2019 Adolescent and Young AdultCancer Collaborators. As adolescent and young adult oncology becomes a clearly demarcatedentity, data such as those presented by the GBD 2019 Adolescent and Young Adult CancerCollaborators become essential for proper planning, advocacy, and multidisciplinaryprogramme development for these patients.

The Lancet Oncology

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