Practical Guide to Administrative and Billing Big Data Sources

Ce dossier présente un ensemble de guides pratiques concernant l'intelligence artificielle et les sources de données massives dans la recherche en chirurgie

In the US, individuals with commercial insurance or Medicare-based plans make up approximately 55% and 20% of the population, respectively. As a result, administrative and billing data sources are collected by health care organizations, institutions, or government agencies to manage the administrative and financial aspects of health care services. These datasets robustly characterize billable services for individuals receiving inpatient and outpatient medical care and rely on billable codes. The use of big data presents opportunities in surgical outcomes research to evaluate key quality measures (eg, length of stay and 30-day readmission), as well as study variations in costs and health care utilization, care coordination, and treatment characteristics associated with greater risk of adverse outcomes to reduce low-value care. Additional strengths of these data include large sample size for rare events; understanding variations in costs, outcomes, and use across hospitals; and assessing real-world health system practices allowing for policy-relevant research.

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