• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

  • Sein

Can You See What They Are Saying? Breast Cancer Images and Text in Canadian Women’s and Fashion Magazines

A travers l'analyse d'images et de textes de la presse féminine, cette étude canadienne analyse les messages et informations relatifs au cancer du sein

Media are an important source of breast cancer information for women. Visual images influence recall and comprehension of information. Research on breast cancer in the media has infrequently focused on images. Using directed content analysis, we compared content, tone, and themes in images ( n = 91) and articles ( n = 31) in Canadian women’s and fashion ( n = 6) magazines (2005–2010). About half of the articles (51.6%) had both positive and negative tone; in contrast, 87.7% of women in the images had positive facial expressions. Women in the images were Caucasian (80.9%), young (81.3%), attractive (99.2%), had a healthy body type (93.8%), and appeared to have intact breasts (100%). Images of screening/treatment (5.5%) and visual impact of disease/treatment on the body (4.4%) were rare. The most common theme in the articles was medical issues (35.5%); in the images, it was beauty or fashion (15.4%). The potential impact of these divergent messages for breast cancer education is discussed.


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