Using a bubble chart to enhance adherence to quality-of-care guidelines for colorectal cancer patients
Menée à Taïwan auprès de 708 patients atteints de cancer colorectal et traités en hôpital pendant la période de 2004 à 2007, cette étude évalue l'efficacité d'un outil sous forme de graphique en bulles pour améliorer l'adhésion des médecins aux recommandations relatives à la qualité des soins
Using a bubble chart to enhance adherence to quality-of-care guidelines for colorectal cancer patients This study examines whether a higher rate of physician adherence to quality-of-care indicators for colorectal cancer patients is associated with improved survival and using a bubble chart to help interpret physician performance. A set of 13 core measures was used to evaluate the quality of care in 708 colorectal cancer patients treated from 2004 to 2007 at a hospital in Taiwan. A 100% adherence standard was used to measure the relationship of adherence to patient survival. Each indicator assigned by each cancer stage was dichotomously coded. The associations between the adherence and survival rates and demographic characteristics were assessed using Cox's proportional hazard regression. Physician adherence to core indicators was plotted using a bubble chart to motivate physicians' performance adhering to quality-of-care guidelines for colorectal cancer patients. The 100% adherence rate criterion contributed to a relatively low hazard ratio of 0.36 (95% confidence interval, 0.14–0.85; P= 0.02). The association between the adherence rate and survival indicated significant improvements for stage III patients compared with stage I patients. A graphical representation of bubble charts helped to monitor physician performance, which improved the adherence rate to quality-of-care guidelines for colorectal cancer patients.