• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Observation

  • Colon-rectum

Impact of Age on the Quality of Lymphadenectomy for Colorectal Cancer

Menée sur 231 patients atteints d'un cancer colorectal traité chirurgicalement, cette étude rétrospective analyse la qualité des lymphadénectomies en fonction de la catégorie d'âge des patients

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of patient age on the number of lymph nodes dissected during surgery for colorectal cancer. Clinical and histopathological data of 231 consecutive patients who underwent elective surgery for colorectal cancer were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were divided into those aged ≤70 years and >70 years. Our findings suggest that patient's age influences the number of lymph nodes detected in surgical specimens; this number was lower in patients aged >70 years and decreased with further aging

Cancer Investigation

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