Surgery for NSCLC in the era of personalized medicine
Cet article analyse les travaux récents sur le rôle de la chirurgie dans le cadre des traitements personnalisés d'un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules
The discovery in 2004 of activating mutations in the EGFR gene opened the era of personalized medicine in thoracic oncology. Treatment with drugs that target EGFR typically results in dramatic tumour response compared with conventional chemotherapy in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Subsequently, newer driver oncogenes such as ALK, ROS1 and RET have been discovered. Nevertheless, surgery has become safer and less invasive in the past 10–15 years. In the era of personalized medicine, thoracic surgeons have to think about their evolving roles. In this article, we discuss four topics relevant to this issue. Firstly, the value of surgical specimens as opposed to biopsy specimens for further understanding tumour biology is discussed. Secondly, extended indication of surgery in the era of targeted therapy is considered. Thirdly, in clinical trials that examine neoadjuvant therapy in patients selected by appropriate biomarkers, the important role of surgeons is highlighted. Finally, the possibility of personalizing the surgical procedure itself according to lung cancer subtypes defined by biomarkers is reviewed.