Knowledge of Breast Density and Awareness of Related Breast Cancer Risk
Cette étude américaine analyse et compare, chez les femmes blanches et les femmes noires, leurs connaissances relatives à la densité mammaire et le rôle de celle-ci comme facteur de risque de cancer du sein
Little is known about women’s knowledge of breast density or between-race differences in this knowledge. In the current study, we examined knowledge of breast density and awareness of its role as a breast cancer risk factor among women who had previously taken part in a breast imaging study. Seventy-seven women (54.5 % Black) returned a survey assessing perceptions and accuracy of breast density knowledge, knowledge of one’s own breast density, and breast cancer risk awareness. White women had greater perceived knowledge of breast density compared to Black women; however, differences in the accuracy of definitions of breast density were due to education. Black women were less likely to know how dense their own breasts were. Black and White women both lacked awareness that having dense breast increased breast cancer risk. The results highlight the need to disseminate information regarding breast density to women, while ensuring that the information is equally accessible to both Black and White wome