Supportive care needs of hematological cancer survivors: A critical review of the literature
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature publiée entre 1979 et 2011, cette étude fait le point sur les besoins en soins de support de survivants d'un cancer hématologique
The purpose of this review was to determine the perceived supportive care needs of hematological cancer survivors, and the patient characteristics associated with higher levels of need. Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL, EMBASE and PsycEXTRA, were searched for eligible articles published between 1979 and 2011. Ten full-text articles were identified. Extensive variation among study populations, methodologies and needs assessment measures used, made it difficult to synthesize results. Consequently, we could not confidently determine the most prevalent perceived needs of hematological cancer survivors. However, the limited data loosely suggests that concerns surrounding cancer recurrence and survival may be predominant needs experienced by hematological cancer survivors. Younger survivors were also identified by several studies as reporting higher levels of several areas of need. Future research is needed to assess the supportive care needs of large heterogeneous, population-based samples of hematological cancer survivors, utilizing valid, reliable and standardized measures of supportive care needs.