• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

  • Sein

The Effectiveness of a Community-Based Breast Cancer Education Intervention in the New York State Capital Region

Menée dans l'Etat de New-York auprès de 484 participants, principalement des étudiants, cette étude analyse l'efficacité d'un programme d'éducation à la santé relatif au cancer du sein

We determined the effectiveness of a community-based breast cancer education intervention among understudied populations in the New York State (NYS) Capital Region by assessing and comparing baseline and post-education breast cancer knowledge. Participants included 417 students recruited from five colleges/universities and 67 women from four community group organizations. Baseline and post-education knowledge was assessed via self-administered mostly multiple-choice questionnaires. An open-ended question soliciting opinions about public health prevention strategies against breast cancer was included on college/university students’ questionnaires. Effectiveness of education intervention was estimated through a paired t test. Stratified analysis was done using demographic and descriptive variables. Answers to the open-ended questions were analyzed qualitatively. The mean percentage of correct answers increased from 39.9 % at baseline to 80.8 % post-education (P < 0.0001) among college/university students and from 43.5 % to 77.8 % (P < 0.0001) among community group members. Effectiveness remained statistically significant in all stratified analyses with similarly high percentage of correct answers achieved post-education irrespective of knowledge level at baseline. Stratified analysis also revealed similar patterns of improvement in overall knowledge and narrowing of the gap in post-education knowledge. Primary prevention emerged as the dominant theme post-education in students’ responses to the open-ended question, signifying the effectiveness of our education in raising awareness about modifiable risk factors and inspiring proactive thinking about public health prevention strategies. This community-based education intervention was effective in increasing breast cancer knowledge among demographically diverse groups with low levels of baseline knowledge in the NYS Capital Region. Our findings provide leads for future public health prevention strategies


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