• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

  • Sein

Tangled in the Breast Cancer Web: an Evaluation of the Usage of Web-Based Information Resources by Breast Cancer Patients

Menée par enquête auprès de 81 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein, cette étude canadienne analyse leur utilisation d'internet pour trouver de l'information sur la maladie et ses traitements

Canada - This study describes Internet use by breast cancer patients highlighting search patterns and examining the impact of web-based information on the clinical encounter. From September 2011 to January 2012, breast cancer patients at a cancer center completed a survey. Answers were closed and open-ended. Eighty-one patients were approached and 56 completed the survey. Forty-five (80 %) respondents used the Internet and 32 (71 %) searched for breast cancer information. All used Google as their principal search engine. To evaluate quality, 47 % referred to author credentials and 41 % examined references. Most sought information with respect to treatment or prognosis. Eighty percent felt that the information increased their knowledge and influenced treatment decision making for 53 %. This study highlights search patterns and factors used by breast cancer patients in seeking web-based information. Physicians must appreciate that patients use the Internet and address discrepancies between information sought and that which is available


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