• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Ethique

A Catalyst for Change: The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights

Cet article présente une charte visant à améliorer la prise en compte des droits des patients atteints de cancer en Europe

Cancer and the provision of cancer care places a significant and growing burden on patients, citizens, and economies. Europe provides some of the best cancer care in the world and conducts high-quality, globally recognized cancer research. There are still significant disparities, however, in public information about cancer, accessing cancer care, delivering optimal treatment, supporting cancer survivorship, and integrating cancer research and innovation across European countries. In addition, costs of current treatments and longterm follow-up are placing significant economic burdens on European health care systems. Improvements in quality of care, translation of research discoveries, and promotion of innovation will have to be achieved within affordable economic models. Acknowledging these challenges, a group of European oncology leaders have formed a partnership with cancer patients and their representatives. The European Cancer Concord (ECC) is a unique patient-centered partnership that will act as a catalyst to achieve improved access to an optimal standard of cancer care and research for European citizens.The strength of this partnership among health care professionals, patient advocacy organizations, and patients is essential to bring about the changes required to improve cancer-related outcomesacross Europe. Cost-effective cancercareandcancer research excellence can contribute significantly to the wealth and health of the European citizen.

The Oncologist

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