Predicting Quit Attempts Among Homeless Smokers Seeking Cessation Treatment : An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 57 fumeurs adultes sans domicile fixe, cette étude identifie les facteurs prédictifs associés à une tentative de sevrage tabagique
Introduction : Homeless adults are more likely to smoke tobacco and less likely to successfully quit smoking than smokers in the general population, despite comparable numbers of cessation attempts and desire to quit. To date, studies that have examined smoking cessation in homeless samples have used traditional lab/clinic-based assessment methodologies. Real-time assessment of key variables may provide new insights into the process of quitting among homeless smokers. Methods : The purpose of the current study was to identify predictors of a quit attempt using real-time assessment methodology during the 6 days prior to a scheduled quit attempt in homeless adults seeking care at a shelter-based smoking cessation clinic. Parameters for multiple variables (i.e., motivation for quitting, smoking expectancies, quit self-efficacy, smoking urges, negative affect, positive affect, restlessness, hostility, and stress) were calculated and used as predictors of biochemically verified quit date abstinence (i.e., ≥13hr abstinent) using logistic regression analyses. Results : Participants (n = 57) were predominantly male (59.6%), non-White (68.4%), and smoked an average of 18 cigarettes per day. A total of 1,132 ecological momentary assessments (83% completion rate) were collected at random times (i.e., up to 4 assessments/day) during the 6 days prior to a scheduled quit attempt. Results indicated that declining (negative slope) negative affect, restlessness, and stress predicted quit date abstinence. In addition, increasing positive coping expectancies across the prequit week predicted quit date abstinence. Conclusions : Study findings highlight multiple variables that may be targeted during the precessation period to increase smoking cessation attempts in this difficult to treat population of smokers.