• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Approches psycho-sociales

  • Voies aérodigestives supérieures

Moderators of the response to a nurse-led psychosocial intervention to reduce depressive symptoms in head and neck cancer patients

Menée aux Pays-Bas auprès de 205 patients atteints d'un cancer de la tête et du cou, cette étude identifie les facteurs permettant de prédire l'efficacité d'une intervention psychosociale menée par une infirmière pour réduire leurs symptômes de dépression, un an après leur traitement

Purpose : Little is known about the variables that moderate the response to psychosocial interventions to decrease depressive symptoms in cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to determine whether variables associated with depressive symptoms in cancer patients in general moderate the response to a nurse-led psychosocial intervention in patients with head and neck cancer. Methods : This study is a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of the nurse counseling and after intervention (NUCAI) on depressive symptoms 12 months after cancer treatment in patients with head and neck cancer. Of 205 patients, 103 received the NUCAI and 102 care as usual. Twenty-one variables were selected for analysis and a linear regression analyses including interaction terms was performed for each variable separately. Significant moderators were post hoc probed. Results : Four moderators were found: marital status, global quality of life, emotional functioning, and social functioning. Patients who were married/living together or had low scores for global quality of life, and emotional or social functioning at baseline benefited more from the NUCAI than patients who were single or with high scores for global quality of life and emotional or social functioning. Conclusions : Marital status, global quality of life, and emotional and social functioning of head and neck cancer patients should be evaluated to determine whether they might benefit from a psychosocial intervention to combat depressive symptoms. Further research is necessary to replicate results and to contribute to the knowledge needed to make screening and personalized patient care possible.

Supportive Care in Cancer

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