Conservative surgery in ovarian borderline tumours: A meta-analysis with emphasis on recurrence risk
A partir d'une revue de la littérature (39 études, 5 105 patientes), cette méta-analyse compare, du point de vue du taux de récidive et de la préservation de la fertilité, l'efficacité de différents types de traitements conservateurs pour traiter une tumeur mucineuse ou séreuse de l'ovaire à la limite de la malignité
Background : Recent reports have stirred the debate regarding the optimal conservative treatment for both serous and mucinous borderline ovarian tumour (BOT). The aim of this study is to examine the optimal oncological approach of conservative surgery in unilateral BOT (cystectomy (C) versus unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (USO)) and in bilateral BOT (bilateral C (BC) versus USO + contralateral C (CC)), as well as fertility outcomes. Materials and methods : The PubMed database and Cochrane Library were searched using the search terms (((Borderline) OR (low malignant potential)) AND (ovarian)) AND ((tumour) OR (cancer)) AND (((fertility sparing) OR (conservative)) AND surgery). Results : We analysed 39 studies that included 5105 women (2624 patients with serous-, 2120 patients with mucinous- and the remaining with other types of BOT), 2752 of which underwent conservative surgery (817 underwent C, 89 BC, 1686 USO and 118 USO + CC). Eight studies included only stage I patients, in 14 studies more than 90% of patients were stage I and five studies included only late-stage patients. Seven studies included only patients with serous borderline ovarian tumour (sBOT) and two only mucinous borderline ovarian tumour (mBOT). A total of 296 patients with non-invasive-, 76 patients with invasive- and 50 patients with unspecified implants were pooled. Of the patients undergoing C, BC, USO and USO + CC the pooled recurrence estimates were respectively 25.3%, 25.6%, 12.5% and 26.1%. In meta-analysis, USO was significantly favored over C with an OR for recurrence reduction = 2200, 95% CI = 0.793–2.841 and p < 0.0001. The pooled recurrence estimate as invasive ovarian cancer was 15.4% and the pooled 95% CI was 0.120–0.196. The cumulative pregnancy rate was 55.7% with 45.4% for USO and 40.3.0% for C. Conclusion : Cystectomy in unilateral serous BOT is significantly associated with a higher recurrence rate, albeit no impact on survival can be demonstrated. Whether this is related to the duration of follow-up, remains to be proven. Nonetheless, recent data seem to suggest that USO is advisable in the case of mucinous BOT. On the contrary, a more conservative approach (BC) should be definitively favored in bilateral BOT, which is almost always serous, because no significant difference is seen in terms of recurrence rate when compared to USO + CC.