• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Qualité de vie, soins de support

  • Sein

Identifying the unmet needs of breast cancer patients post-primary treatment: the Cancer Survivor Profile (CSPro)

Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 400 patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein de stade I à III (âge moyen : 51 ans), cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un outil permettant d'évaluer leurs besoins en soins de support après un premier traitement

Purpose : The purpose of this study is to develop a brief measure of problem areas experienced by patients following primary treatment for breast cancer. Method : Systematic reviews of the quantitative and qualitative literature were used to inform selection of scale items using (1) valid and reliable items from a national item bank (patient reported outcomes measurement information system [PROMIS]), (2) existing scales from prior breast cancer survivorship research, or (3) items developed by the investigators. Results : Participants (n = 400) were on average 51 years old, highly educated, Caucasian, diagnosed with stage I–III breast cancer, and a median of 1.96 years post-primary treatment. Principal component analysis on a random sample (n = 200) and confirmation on a second random sample (n = 200) indicated that each of the scales under consideration provided a significant measurement model for the symptom burden (CFI = 0.95), health behavior (CFI = 1.00), functional limitation (CFI = 0.99), health care seeking skill (CFI = 0.98), and cancer-related financial strain (CFI = 1.00) broad domains. The median Cronbach’s alpha was 0.91. The measure demonstrated convergent, divergent, construct, and clinical validity. Lower levels of fatigue (


 = 0.251. p < 0.000) and pain (


 = 0.221, p < 0.000) and greater health competence (


 = 0.278, p < 0.000) and physical activity (


 = 0.165, p < 0.000) were associated with self-rated global health (F = 60.43, p < 0.000). The final measure consists of 73 items and requires approximately 15 min to complete. Discussion : The Cancer Survivor Profile (CSPro) provides a profile of problem areas supported by epidemiological and qualitative research on unmet needs of breast cancer survivors. Implications for Cancer Survivors : Breast cancer survivors can use the CSPro to prioritize problem areas following cancer treatment.

Journal of Cancer Survivorship

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