• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

  • Prostate

Information Needs of Men with Localized Prostate Cancer During Radiation Therapy

Menée aux Etats-Unis auprès de 35 patients atteints d'un cancer localisé de la prostate, cette étude analyse l'évolution de leurs besoins en information tout au long de leur radiothérapie

The purpose of this study was to describe how patient information needs change over the course of receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Convenience sampling was utilized to recruit men with stage I–III prostate cancer. A longitudinal repeated measures design was implemented for this pilot study. Patients were presented with 36 paired comparisons, each asking the participant to choose the most important information topic(s) for today. Following completion of the survey instruments, the clinic nurse delivered the four top-ranked information topic handouts to each patient with brief instruction on how to use the handouts. Over the course of 6 months, we were able to recruit 35 men. The four highest priority topics across all four sessions were prognosis, stage of disease, treatment options, and side effects. Our results suggest trends in the information priorities that men hold over the course of radiation treatment. The information priorities do appear to shift over time, notably prognosis concerns and risk for family members continued to rise over time, while side effect information declined. These findings will extend an already strong foundation of evidence for preparatory information in radiation therapy. Furthermore, these findings will strengthen current evidence that computerized assessment of patient self-report information is feasible and an important adjunct to clinical practice.


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