• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins

American Society of Clinical Oncology Statement: A Conceptual Framework to Assess the Value of Cancer Treatment Options

Cet article présente un cadre d'analyse pour estimer la valeur (une notion combinant bénéfice clinique, toxicité et coûts) d'un traitement du cancer et faciliter la prise de décision entre un médecin et son patient

Health care costs in the United States present a major challenge to the national economic well being. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has projected that US health care spending will reach $4.3 trillion and account for 19.3% of the national gross domestic product by 2019. This growth in spending—both in absolute terms and as a proportion of our gross domestic product—has not been accompanied by commensurate improvements in health outcomes, despite expenditures far exceeding those of other countries...

Journal of Clinical Oncology

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