• Etiologie

  • Facteurs endogènes

  • Foie

Sex-specific associations between birth weight and adult primary liver cancer in a large cohort of Danish children

A partir de données danoises portant sur 217 227 enfants nés entre 1936 et 1980, cette étude de cohorte évalue, en fonction du sexe, l'association entre le poids à la naissance et le risque de cancer du foie à l'âge adulte

Whether the prenatal period is critical for the development of adult primary liver cancer (PLC) is sparsely investigated. Recently, attention has been drawn to potential sex-differences in the early origins of adult disease. The association between birth weight and adult PLC, separately in men and women was investigated, using a large cohort of 217,227 children (51% boys), born from 1936 to 1980, from the Copenhagen School Health Records Register, and followed them until 2010 in national registers. Hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) of PLC (30 years or older) were estimated by Cox regression models stratified by birth cohort. During 5.1 million person-years of follow-up, 185 men and 65 women developed PLC. Sex modified the association between birth weight and adult PLC (p values for interaction = 0.0005). Compared with a sex-specific reference group of birth weights between 3.25 and 3.75 kg, men with birth weights between 2.00 and 3.25 kg and 3.75–5.50 kg, had HRs of 1.48 (1.06–2.05) and 0.85 (0.56–1.28), respectively. Among women the corresponding HRs were 1.71 (0.90–3.29) and 3.43 (1.73–6.82). Associations were similar for hepatocellular carcinoma only, across year of birth, and after accounting for diagnoses of alcohol-related disorders, viral hepatitis and biliary cirrhosis. Prenatal exposures influenced the risk of adult PLC, and the effects at the high birth weight levels appeared to be sex-specific. These findings underscore the importance of considering sex-specific mechanisms in the early origins of adult PLC.

International Journal of Cancer

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