• Prévention

  • Chimioprévention

  • Sein

Symptoms and QOL as Predictors of Chemoprevention Adherence in NRG Oncology/NSABP Trial P-1

Menée à partir de questionnaires auprès de 10 576 patientes présentant un risque élevé de cancer du sein et incluses dans un essai évaluant le tamoxifène en traitement prophylactique, cette étude évalue, en fonction de la présence de facteurs de risque comportementaux, l'association entre divers types de symptômes (gynécologiques, vasomoteurs, sexuels, ...), la qualité de vie des patientes (mesurée par un système de score) et l'observance du traitement

Background : Tamoxifen provides a 50% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer (BC) among high-risk women, yet many do not adhere to the five-year course of therapy. Using the prospective double-blind National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project P-1 study, we evaluated whether participant-reported outcomes were associated with drug adherence and whether baseline behavioral risk factors modified those associations. Methods : P-1 participants were randomly assigned to placebo vs tamoxifen (20mg/day). Mixed effects logistic regression was used to evaluate whether baseline or three-month SF-36 quality of life (QOL) mental and physical component summaries (MCS, PCS), and participant-reported symptoms (gynecologic, vasomotor, sexual, and other) predicted 12-month drug adherence (76–100% of assigned medication). The evaluation accounted for age, treatment, estimated breast cancer risk, education, baseline smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results : Participants enrolled at least three years before trial unblinding and without medically indicated discontinuation before 12 months were eligible for the present analyses (n = 10 576). At 12 months, 84.3% were adherent. Statistically significant predictors of adherence were: three-month MCS (odds ratio [OR] = 1.15 per 10 points, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.06 to 1.25); three-month gynecologic symptoms among moderate alcohol drinkers (OR = .79, 95% CI = 0.72 to 0.88); baseline vasomotor symptoms among participants assigned tamoxifen (OR = .88, 95% CI = 0.80 to 0.97); and three-month sexual symptoms among younger participants (OR = .89 at age 41 years, 95% CI = 0.80 to 0.99). The strongest association was with three-month other symptoms (OR = .77, 95% CI = 0.63 to 0.93). PCS was not associated with adherence. Symptom and QOL associations were not modified by smoking or obesity. Conclusions : Promoting QOL and managing symptoms early in therapy may be important strategies to improve adherence.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

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