• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Sensibilisation et communication

Quality and accuracy of publicly accessible cancer-related physical activity information on the Internet: a cross-sectional assessment

Cette étude analyse la qualité de l'information mise à disposition sur les sites internet de plusieurs pays de langue anglaise (Canada, Etats-Unis, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Royaume-Uni) en matière d'association entre la pratique d'une activité physique et le risque de cancer

In this study, we assessed the quality of publicly available cancer-related physical activity (PA) information appearing on reputable sites from Canada and other English-speaking countries. A cross-sectional Internet search was conducted on select countries (Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK) using Google to generate top 50 results per country for the keywords “‘physical activity’ AND ‘cancer’”. Top results were assessed for quality of PA information based on a coding frame. Additional searches were performed for Canadian-based sites to produce an exhaustive list. Results found that many sites offered cancer-related PA information (94.5%), but rarely defined PA (25.2%). Top 50 results from each country did not differ on any indicator examined. The exhaustive list of Canadian sites found that many sites gave information about PA for survivorship (78.3%) and prevention (70.0%), but rarely defined (6.7%) or referenced PA guidelines (28.3%). Cancer-related PA information is plentiful on the Internet but the quality needs improvement. Sites should do more than mention PA; they should provide definitions, examples and guidelines. With improvements, these websites would enable healthcare providers to effectively educate their patients about PA, and serve as a valuable resource to the general public who may be seeking cancer-related PA information.

European Journal of Cancer Care

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