• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Qualité de vie, soins de support

Dysgeusia and health-related quality of life of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: A cross-sectional study

Menée en Italie par questionnaire auprès de 289 patients atteints d'une tumeur solide ou hématologique, cette étude transversale analyse les troubles du goût pendant et après la chimiothérapie et évalue l'association entre une dysgueusie et leur qualité de vie

The aim of the study was to evaluate taste disorders in patients receiving chemotherapy and to assess the impact of dysgeusia on patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQOL). A total of 289 patients with a diagnosis of malignant solid or haematological cancer undergoing chemotherapy completed a questionnaire assessing dysgeusia and HRQOL. Sixty-four per cent of patients developed dysgeusia after and during chemotherapy. A statistically significant correlation was found between type of cancer and dysgeusia (p = .012), moreover a statistically significant association was found between type of chemotherapy and occurrence of dysgeusia (p = .031). Patients with dysgeusia had a worse overall HRQOL than those who did not have dysgeusia, and the association between HRQOL and dysgeusia was also statistically significant (p = .003). Patients with dysgeusia had a higher probability of having a worse HRQOL (p = .002). In line with previous studies, we observed a significant correlation between chemotherapy and dysgeusia. Furthermore, this study found that cancer patients with dysgeusia have a lower quality of life. In particular the domains “role,” “social aspect,” “nausea-vomiting” and “appetite” are most influenced by dysgeusia. Improving the communication and information to patients considered at higher risk of developing dysgeusia can have a positive impact on patients’ quality of life.

European Journal of Cancer Care

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