• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins

  • Colon-rectum

Counting the cost of cancer: out-of-pocket payments made by colorectal cancer survivors

Menée en Irlande par questionnaire auprès de 497 patients ayant survécu à un cancer colorectal, cette étude analyse les coûts de santé restant à leur charge, en fonction de l'âge et de leur situation professionnelle (avec ou sans emploi) au moment du diagnostic

Purpose : Cancer places a significant cost burden on health services. There is increasing recognition that cancer also imposes a financial and economic burden on patients but this has rarely been quantified outside North America. We investigate out-of-pocket costs (OOPCs) incurred by colorectal (CRC) survivors in Ireland. Methods : CRC survivors (ICD10 C18-20) diagnosed 6–30 months previously were identified from the National Cancer Registry Ireland and invited to complete a postal questionnaire. Cancer-related OOPC for tests, procedures, drugs, allied medications and household management in approximately the year following diagnosis were calculated. Robust regression was used to identify predictors of OOPC; this was done for all survivors combined and stratified by age (<70 and ≥70 years) and employment status (working and not working) at diagnosis. Results : Four hundred ninety-seven CRC survivors completed questionnaires (response rate = 39%). Almost all (90%) respondents reported some cancer-related OOPC. The average total OOPC was €1589. Stage III at diagnosis was associated with significantly higher OOPCs than other stages in the all-survivor model, in those not working in the employment model and in those under 70 years in the age-stratified model. In all-survivor model, those under 70 also had higher OOPCs, as did those in employment. Having one or more children was associated with significantly lower OOPCs in those under 70 years. Conclusions : Almost all CRC survivors incur cancer-related OOPCs; for some, these are not insignificant. Greater attention should be paid to the development of services to help survivors manage the financial and economic burden of cancer.

Supportive Care in Cancer

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