• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Soins palliatifs

  • Système nerveux central

Screening for symptom burden and supportive needs of patients with glioblastoma and brain metastases and their caregivers in relation to their use of specialized palliative care

Menée en Allemagne par questionnaire auprès de 79 patients atteints d'un glioblastome et de métastases cérébrales et auprès de 46 aidants, cette étude analyse leurs symptômes, leur qualité de vie, leur détresse psychologique et leurs besoins en soins de support au moment du diagnostic et 2 mois après, selon que les patients sont soignés ou non dans des unités de soins palliatifs

Purpose : Patients with brain tumors have a high symptom burden and multiple supportive needs. Needs of caregivers are often unattended. This study aims to determine screening-based symptom burden and supportive needs of patients and caregivers with regard to the use of specialized palliative care (SPC). Methods : Seventy-nine patients with glioblastoma and brain metastases and 46 caregivers were screened with standardized questionnaires following diagnosis and 2 months later. The screening assessed symptom burden, quality of life (QoL), distress, and supportive needs. Results : The most relevant symptoms were drowsiness, tiredness, and low well-being (53–58%). The most prevalent patient supportive needs were the need for information about available resources, the illness, and possible lifestyle changes (50–56%). The most prevalent caregiver needs were information about the illness, lifestyle changes, and about available resources (56–74%). Patients who received SCP and their caregivers had higher symptom burden and supportive needs than those without SPC. They reported moderate improvement in pain, distress, and QoL, while patients without SPC also improved their QoL, but had small to moderate deteriorations in pain, drowsiness, nauseas, well-being, and other problems. Distress of caregivers with SPC improved with moderate to large effect sizes but still was on a high level and remained stable for those without SPC. Conclusions : Symptom burden and supportive needs were high, but even more caregivers than patients expressed high distress and supportive needs. SPC appears to reach the target group, both patients and caregivers with elevated symptom burden. Targeted interventions are needed to improve tiredness and drowsiness.

Supportive Care in Cancer

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