• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Ethique

Oncofertility: Fertile Ground for Conflict Between Patient Autonomy and Medical Values

Cette étude fait le point sur les enjeux éthiques et cliniques de la préservation de la fertilité des patients atteints de cancer

Oncofertility is a unique, multidisciplinary field that serves to bridge the gap between available fertility resources and the special reproductive needs of cancer patients. Oncofertility is a growing field due to the increasing number of survivors, development of new oncologic therapies, extension of duration of therapies, and development and refinement of reproductive therapies. While the technologies and demand for services expand, clinicians need to be appropriately prepared for dealing with various clinical scenarios that may require ethical deliberation. Three real cases are presented in which the patient wishes to pursue reproductive assistance, but her decision is met with hesitance or uncertainty by her care team. Discussion of these clinical scenarios highlights ethical implications of oncofertility practice and serves to highlight the need for the establishment of multidisciplinary care teams and guidelines to support both clinicians and patients. Implications for Practice: The growing field of oncofertility is ripe for conflict between patient autonomy and medical values due to the nature of cancer and associated threat on an individual's health and survival, as well as the personal significance of childbearing. Cases are presented and ethical implications are discussed to further explore the inherent difficulties in oncofertility practice and guide clinicians in similar situations. Developing guidelines and establishing multidisciplinary teams to facilitate oncofertility discussions and care, as well as training of clinical team members, may improve patient safety, well‐being, and satisfaction within the context of fertility decision making, care, and outcomes

The Oncologist

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