Family-focussed interventions to reduce harm from smoking in primary school-aged children: A systematic review of evaluative studies
A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (19 articles), cette étude identifie les interventions visant à réduire l'exposition des enfants (âge : 5 à 12 ans) au tabagisme passif dans leur famille, puis analyse la qualité des études réalisées ainsi que l'efficacité des interventions
Children living in families where adults smoke are exposed to harmful effects of tobacco smoke and risk a predisposition to smoking initiation. Interventions to support families to reduce risk of harm from smoking have been developed and tested. The purpose of this review is to identify effective family-based interventions used to promote smoke-free home environments in families with primary school age children (aged 5–12 years). A systematic search of MEDLINE, Cochrane and CINAHL electronic databases was conducted. Narrative synthesis of included articles was completed. Guidelines for reporting behaviour change interventions were used to summarise and compare intervention timin, content, intensity and delivery. Quality of included studies was critiqued using United States Preventative Services Taskforce (USPST) procedures for internal and external validity. Narrative synthesis was based on methods described by Popay and colleagues. Nineteen articles that evaluated 14 intervention studies focussed on child smoking prevention (n = 5), parent smoking cessation (n = 4) and environmental tobacco smoke reduction (n = 6). Interventions and outcomes were heterogeneous, and were rarely informed by theoretical frameworks relating to family, parenting or child development. Family based interventions may be an important strategy to reduce the effects of smoking for children. There is a need for interventions to be informed by theory relevant to children, parenting and families.