• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins

The Role Of Primary Care Physicians in Childhood Cancer Survivorship Care: Multiperspective Interviews

Menée en Australie par entretiens auprès de médecins généralistes, cette étude analyse leur rôle dans le suivi et les soins des patients pédiatriques ayant survécu à un cancer

Background : Primary care physicians (PCPs) are well placed to provide holistic care to survivors of childhood cancer and may relieve growing pressures on specialist‐led follow‐up. We evaluated PCPs' role and confidence in providing follow‐up care to survivors of childhood cancer. Subjects, Materials, and Methods : In Stage 1, survivors and parents (of young survivors) from 11 Australian and New Zealand hospitals completed interviews about their PCPs' role in their follow‐up. Participants nominated their PCP for an interview for Stage 2. In Stage 2, PCPs completed interviews about their confidence and preparedness in delivering childhood cancer survivorship care. Results : Stage 1: One hundred twenty survivors (36% male, mean age: 25.6 years) and parents of young survivors (58% male survivors, survivors' mean age: 12.7 years) completed interviews. Few survivors (23%) and parents (10%) visited their PCP for cancer‐related care and reported similar reasons for not seeking PCP‐led follow‐up including low confidence in PCPs (48%), low perceived PCP cancer knowledge (38%), and difficulty finding good/regular PCPs (31%). Participants indicated feeling "disconnected" from their PCP during their cancer treatment phase. Stage 2: Fifty‐one PCPs (57% male, mean years practicing: 28.3) completed interviews. Fifty percent of PCPs reported feeling confident providing care to childhood cancer survivors. PCPs had high unmet information needs relating to survivors' late effects risks (94%) and preferred a highly prescriptive approach to improve their confidence delivering survivorship care. Conclusion : Improved communication and greater PCP involvement during treatment/early survivorship may help overcome survivors' and parents' low confidence in PCPs. PCPs are willing but require clear guidance from tertiary providers. Implications for Practice : Childhood cancer survivors and their parents have low confidence in primary care physicians' ability to manage their survivorship care. Encouraging engagement in primary care is important to promote holistic follow‐up care, continuity of care, and long‐term surveillance. Survivors'/parents' confidence in physicians may be improved by better involving primary care physicians throughout treatment and early survivorship, and by introducing the concept of eventual transition to adult and primary services. Although physicians are willing to deliver childhood cancer survivorship care, their confidence in doing so may be improved through better communication with tertiary services and more appropriate training

The Oncologist

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