Using an integrated conceptual framework to investigate parents' HPV vaccine decision for their daughters and sons
Menée au Canada à partir d'une enquête en ligne auprès d'un échantillon de 3 779 parents d'enfants âgés de 9 à 16 ans, cette étude analyse leurs décisions concernant la vaccination de leurs fils ou de leurs filles contre le papillomavirus humain
Despite being an effective cancer prevention strategy, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Canada remain suboptimal. This study is the first to concurrently evaluate HPV vaccine knowledge, attitudes, and the decision-making stage of Canadian parents for their school-aged daughters and sons. Data were collected through an online survey from a nationally representative sample of Canadian parents of 9–16 year old children from August to September 2016. Measures included socio-demographics, validated scales to assess HPV vaccine knowledge and attitudes (using the Health Belief Model), and parents' HPV vaccination adoption stage using the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM; six stages: unaware, unengaged, undecided, decided not, decided to, or vaccinated). 3779 parents' survey responses were analyzed (1826 parents of sons and 1953 parents of daughters). There was a significant association between child's gender and PAPM stage of decision-making, with parents of boys more likely to report being in earlier PAPM stages. In multinomial logistic regression analyses parents of daughters (compared to sons), parents of older children, and parents with a health care provider recommendation had decreased odds of being in any earlier PAPM stage as compared to the last PAPM stage (i.e. vaccinated). Parents who were in the ‘decided not to vaccinate’ stage had significantly greater odds of reporting perceived vaccine harms, lack of confidence, risks, and vaccine conspiracy beliefs. Future research could use these findings to investigate theoretically informed interventions to specifically target subsets of the population with particular attention towards addressing knowledge gaps, perceived barriers, and concerns of parents.