• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Qualité de vie, soins de support

  • Leucémie

Health-related quality of life in paediatric patients up to five years post-treatment completion for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a systematic review

A partir d'une revue systématique de la littérature (14 études, 1 254 patients), cette étude analyse les facteurs associés à la qualité de vie d'enfants atteints d'un cancer entre 2 et 18 ans et ayant survécu jusqu'à 5 ans après la fin des traitements

Purpose : Despite survival rates greater than 90%, treatment for paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) remains challenging for families. The early post-treatment phase is an especially unique time of adjustment. The primary aim of this review was to identify and synthesise research on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for patients up to five years post-treatment. The secondary aim was to identify if theorised risk/resistance model factors could explain any variance in reported HRQoL. Methods : We conducted a systematic review using the PRISMA guidelines across five databases: Embase, Medline, Psychinfo, Pubmed, and Cochrane. Only studies examining HRQoL up to five years post-treatment were included. Studies were excluded if they covered periods greater than five years post-treatment or did not differentiate between patients with ALL and other cancers. After assessing the quality of each study sample size, patient characteristics, HRQoL outcomes and HRQoL correlates were extracted and summarised. Results : A total of 14 studies representing 1254 paediatric patients, aged 2–18 years, were found. HRQoL findings were mixed, dependent on time since completion and comparison group. Patient HRQoL was mostly lower compared to normative data, whilst higher compared to healthy control groups, patients on treatment, and patients with other types of cancers. Lower HRQoL was also found to be associated with demographic (age and sex), family dysfunction, and treatment-related factors. Conclusions : Completing treatment signalled a significant improvement in HRQoL for patients compared to being on treatment. Overall, however, HRQoL was still significantly lower than the population during the early post-treatment period.

Supportive Care in Cancer

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