Genetic susceptibility to natural killer T-cell lymphoma
Menée en Asie de l'Est, sur la période 2008-2018, à l'aide d'échantillons de sang et de salive collectés auprès de 20 402 témoins et de 1 417 patients atteints d'un lymphome T ou NK extraganglionnaire de type nasal, cette étude d'association sur le génome entier identifie de nouveaux loci de susceptibilité à la maladie
Previous genomic analyses of extranodal natural killer T-cell lymphoma (NKTCL) tumour samples identified recurrent somatic mutations associated with disease pathobiology. However, the remarkably higher prevalence of NKTCL in east Asian, Central American, and South American populations than in other populations worldwide suggests that hereditary or environmental risk factors predispose some individuals to the disease in these regions. The hereditary genetic factors associated with NKTCL are largely unknown because few genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which require sizeable cohorts, have been done. The only previously published GWAS, which was done in an east Asian population, showed that rs9277378, a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on HLA-DPB1, was associated with the genetic risk of NKTCL development.