• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Qualité de vie, soins de support

Fertility preservation and post-treatment pregnancies in post-pubertal cancer patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines

Cette étude présente les recommandations de l'"European Society for Medical Oncology" concernant les stratégies de préservation de la fertilité chez des patients atteints d'un cancer après la puberté

Cancer remains a public health problem worldwide that also includes young adults.1 Given the ongoing improvements in survival for most malignancies, a significant proportion of people affected by cancer face the consequences of treatment-related late effects, making survivorship an area of crucial importance. At the time of diagnosis, a significant proportion of young patients are concerned about the possible impact of anticancer treatments on their fertility and future chances of conception.3,4 Failure to address these concerns may negatively influence their choices and adherence to the proposed anticancer treatments. Considering the rising trend in delaying childbearing and the higher number of patients who have not completed their family planning at the time of diagnosis, the demand for fertility preservation and information about the feasibility and safety of pregnancy following treatment completion is expected to increase. These guidelines provide a framework for fertility preservation and post-treatment pregnancies in post-pubertal cancer patients and include new topics beyond the previous European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) recommendations published in 2013.5 The specific issues faced by pre-pubertal patients, indications for fertility-sparing surgery and management of cancer diagnosed during pregnancy are beyond the scope of these guidelines.

Annals of Oncology

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