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Adults' E-Cigarette Flavor Use and Cigarette Quit Attempts: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study Findings

Menée à partir de données 2015-2018 d'enquêtes nationales sur le tabac et la santé aux Etats-Unis, cette étude analyse l'association entre la consommation de produits aromatisés pour cigarettes électroniques et les comportements de sevrage tabagique

Prevalence of use of e-cigarettes among youth and adults in the U.S. continues to rise, and flavored tobacco product use is associated with initiation and subsequent use of tobacco products. However, little data exist on whether flavored e-cigarettes are associated with cigarette-cessation behaviors, including attempting to quit cigarette smoking and quit success among those who attempt to quit, although Buu et al. found that among exclusive cigarette smokers, using flavored e-cigarettes 1 year later was associated with lower quantity of cigarette smoking. This study uses U.S. nationally representative data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study to report on e-cigarette flavor use among adult past 30–day dual users of e-cigarettes and cigarettes and to longitudinally evaluate the relationship between flavor use and attempting to quit cigarette smoking approximately 1 year later.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine

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