Rapid screener for the assessment of fear of progression in cancer survivors: The Fear of progression-Questionnaire Rapid Screener
Menée en Allemagne par questionnaire auprès de 1 002 patients ayant survécu à un cancer (taux de réponse : 55%), cette étude analyse l'intérêt d'un outil permettant d'évaluer rapidement la peur de la progression de la maladie
Objectives : Fear of progression (FoP) among cancer survivors can adversely affect all areas of life. Existing instruments are too long for implementation in routine care. Therefore, we developed and tested a rapid screener for FoP (FoP‐Q‐RS). Methods : Data were derived from a register‐based study among cancer survivors. The 12‐item short form of the Fear‐of‐Progression Questionnaire (FoP‐Q‐SF) served as item‐pool. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to determine (a) fit indices including comparative fit index (CFI) and standardised root mean square residual (SRMR) and (b) measures of reliability including composite reliability (CR). Fit indices were compared to the FoP‐Q‐SF. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated to recommend a cut‐off (criterion: GAD‐7 score ≥10). Results : One thousand two cancer survivors participated (response rate: 53%). We selected five items for the FoP‐Q‐RS. CFA indicated acceptable fit (CFI = 0.936; SRMR = 0.048) and reliability (CR = 0.793). Fit indices were better than for the FoP‐Q‐SF. The cut‐off ≥12 showed optimal balance between sensitivity (72%) and specificity (70%), the cut‐off ≥10 revealed higher sensitivity (86%) with still tolerable specificity (52%). Conclusion : The FoP‐Q‐RS shows good psychometric properties and may be applied in routine care. Further studies on preferable cut‐offs and other populations are needed.