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  • Autres organes

Family history of cancer in first degree relatives and risk of cancer of unknown primary

Menée aux Pays-Bas à l'aide de données portant sur 963 patients atteints d'un carcinome d'origine primitive inconnue (CAPI), cette étude analyse l'association entre des antécédents familiaux de cancer et le risque de développer un CAPI

Objective: Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) refers to the presence of metastatic lesions, with no identifiable primary site during the patient's lifetime. Poor survival and lack of available treatment highlight the need to identify potential CUP risk factors. We investigated whether a family history of cancer is associated with increased CUP risk. Methods: We performed a case cohort analysis using data from the Netherlands Cohort Study, which included a total of 963 CUP cases and 4,288 subcohort members. A Cox Proportional Hazards Regression was used to compare CUP risk in participants who reported to have a family member with cancer to those who did not, whilst adjusting for confounders. Results: In general, we observed no increased CUP risk in those who reported a family history of cancer. CUP risk appeared slightly increased in those who reported cancer in a sibling (HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 0.97–1.38), especially in those with a sister with cancer compared with those without (HR: 1.23, 95% CI: 0.99–1.53), although these findings are not statistically significant. Conclusion: Having a family history of cancer is not an independent risk factor of CUP.

European Journal of Cancer Care

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