• Prévention

  • Nutrition et prévention

  • Foie

Adherence to Healthy Lifestyle and Liver cancer in Chinese: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million people

Menée en Chine à partir de données portant sur 492 640 adultes (durée médiane de suivi : 10 ans), cette étude analyse l'association entre des facteurs liés au mode de vie et le risque de cancer du foie (2 529 cas)

Background: Little prospective evidence exists about whether a combination of healthy lifestyle factors is related to a considerable reduction of liver cancer risk. Methods: Based on the prospective China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) cohort with a total of 492,640 Chinese adults, we examined the associations of five lifestyle factors with risk of liver cancer. Low-risk lifestyle factors were defined as non-smoking, non-drinking, median or higher level of physical activity, a healthy diet, and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) < 0.90 for men and <0.85 for women. Results: During a median of 10.12 years of follow-up, 2529 liver cancer events were observed. There was a significant decrease in liver cancer risk with the increasing of the healthy lifestyle index scores (P < 0.001). Participants with a favourable lifestyle (4 or 5 healthy lifestyle factors) had a 43% reduced liver cancer risk compared with those with an unfavourable lifestyle (0 or 1 healthy lifestyle factor) (HR, 0.57 [95% CI, 0.47–0.68]). The cumulative protective effect of a healthy lifestyle on liver cancer appeared to be more dramatic for patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive, the individuals at high risk of liver cancer. Conclusions: Individuals adhering to a favourable lifestyle was associated with a considerable absolute risk reduction of liver cancer.

British Journal of Cancer

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