The Challenge of Melanoma Chemoprevention
Cette étude fait le point sur la recherche d'agents chimiopréventifs potentiels pouvant empêcher la progression des naevus dysplasiques vers le mélanome
Melanoma is a treatment-resistant cancer of melanocytes. There is a serious unmet need for chemopreventive agents that can inhibit their evolution from pre-existing dysplastic nevi. Low-dose aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are potential chemopreventive candidates because they inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 which has a number of pro-carcinogenic effects. Unfortunately, the clinical trial reported by Okwundu et al in this issue of Cancer Prevention Research did not show an effect of aspirin on biomarkers associated with progression of pre-malignant dysplastic nevi to melanomas. Further clinical trials with other aspirin or NSAID biomarkers or clinical trials with other potential chemopreventive agents offer hope to those who are at increased risk for melanomas.