• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Qualité de vie, soins de support

  • Sein

Hair loss during and after breast cancer therapy

Cette étude passe en revue les facteurs associés au risque d'alopécie induite par les traitements anticancéreux chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein puis présente les stratégies pour prévenir et traiter la chute des cheveux

For patients diagnosed with breast cancer, alopecia can be a distressing side effect of treatment. Major surgeries, cytotoxic chemotherapy, and endocrine therapy may result in several different types of alopecia. This article reviews the underlying mechanisms, etiology, prevention strategies, and treatment options for chemotherapy-induced alopecia, telogen effluvium, and endocrine-induced alopecia. Here, we aim to provide breast oncologists with a review of the types of hair loss related to cancer therapy and current preventative and treatment options to facilitate informative patient counseling.

Supportive Care in Cancer

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