MDT practice determines treatment pathway for patients with advanced ovarian cancer: A multi-centre observational study
Menée au Royaume-Uni à partir de données issues de 870 réunions de concertation pluridisciplinaire (RCP) portant sur 145 patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire de stade avancé, cette étude multicentrique analyse l'influence des RCP sur les choix thérapeutiques et les disparités géographiques
Objective: To investigate decision making for patients with advanced ovarian cancer as a possible explanation of geographical variation in treatment patterns. Methods: We carried out a multi-centre observational study in multidisciplinary teams meetings for five major UK cancer centres. All patients presenting to five cancer centres with advanced ovarian cancer over a six-week period. The GO-MDT-MODe tool was used to provide a measure of participation and quality of case discussion for all cases of advanced ovarian cancer. MDT scores were correlated with surgical data extracted from national audit data. Data were recorded for overall MDT performance. Results: A total of 870 case discussions, including 145 cases of advanced ovarian cancer, were observed. MDTs varied in structure, format and time allocation between centres. Cluster analysis showed significant variation in quality and participation of discussion between centres (p < 0.0025) and this correlated with the proportion of patients in the wider cancer alliance undergoing surgery. Conclusions: We have shown that at least part of the variation in practice seen in the UK correlates with different behaviours within MDTs. Increasing time for discussion and encouraging participation from all staff groups may increase proportions of patients undergoing optimal treatment regimens.