• Lutte contre les cancers

  • Analyses économiques et systèmes de soins

Economic costs of family caregiving for persons with advanced stage cancer: a longitudinal cohort study

Menée aux Etats-Unis à partir de données portant sur 198 aidants familiaux de patients atteints d'un cancer de stade avancé, cette étude de cohorte analyse leur situation économique liée au traitement de la maladie (dettes, obligation de travailler pour payer les soins, etc.)

Purpose: To form a multifaceted picture of family caregiver economic costs in advanced cancer. Methods: A multi-site cohort study collected prospective longitudinal data from caregivers of patients with advanced solid tumor cancers. Caregiver survey and out-of-pocket (OOP) receipt data were collected biweekly in-person for up to 24 weeks. Economic cost measures attributed to caregiving were as follows: amount of OOP costs, debt accrual, perceived economic situation, and working for pay. Descriptive analysis illustrates economic outcomes over time. Generalized linear mixed effects models asses the association of objective burden and economic outcomes, controlling for subjective burden and other factors. Objective burden is number of activities and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL/IADL) tasks, all caregiving tasks, and amount of time spent caregiving over 24 h. Results: One hundred ninety-eight caregivers, 41% identifying as Black, were followed for a mean period of 16 weeks. Median 2-week out-of-pocket costs were $111. One-third of caregivers incurred debt to care for the patient and 24% reported being in an adverse economic situation. Whereas 49.5% reported working at study visit 1, 28.6% of caregivers at the last study visit reported working. In adjusted analysis, a higher number of caregiving tasks overall and ADL/IADL tasks specifically were associated with lower out-of-pocket expenses, a lower likelihood of working, and a higher likelihood of incurring debt and reporting an adverse economic situation. Conclusions: Most caregivers of cancer patients with advanced stage disease experienced direct and indirect economic costs. Implications for Cancer Survivors: Results support the need to find solutions to lessen economic costs for caregivers of persons with advanced cancer.

Journal of Cancer Survivorship

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