• Etiologie

  • Facteurs endogènes

  • Col de l'utérus

Untreated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 and subsequent risk of cervical cancer: population based cohort study

Menée à partir de données de registres danois portant sur 27 524 femmes présentant des lésions cervicales intra-épithéliales de haut grade (CIN2) diagnostiquées sur la période 1998-2020, cette étude compare le risque de cancer du col de l'utérus lors d'une surveillance active ou après un traitement immédiat par excision à l'anse large de la zone de transformation

Objective: To describe the long term risk of cervical cancer in women with untreated (that is, undergoing active surveillance) or immediately treated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2). Design: Nationwide population based historical cohort study. Setting: Danish healthcare registries. Participants: Women with CIN2 diagnosed in 1998-2020 and aged 18-40 years at diagnosis, who had either active surveillance or immediate treatment with large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). Women with a previous record of CIN2 or worse or LLETZ were excluded. Main outcome measure: A Weibull survival model for interval censored time-to-event data was used to estimate the cumulative risk of cervical cancer. Inverse probability treatment weighting was used to adjust estimates for age, index cytology, calendar year, and region of residence. Results: The cohort included 27 524 women with CIN2, of whom 12 483 (45%) had active surveillance and 15 041 (55%) had immediate LLETZ. During follow-up, 104 cases of cervical cancer were identified—56 (54%) in the active surveillance group and 48 (46%) in the LLETZ group. The cumulative risk of cervical cancer was comparable across the two groups during the active surveillance period of two years. Thereafter, the risk increased in the active surveillance group, reaching 2.65% (95% confidence interval 2.07% to 3.23%) after 20 years, whereas it remained stable in the LLETZ group at 0.76% (0.58% to 0.95%). Conclusions: Undergoing active surveillance for CIN2, thereby leaving the lesion untreated, was associated with increased long term risk of cervical cancer compared with immediate LLETZ. These findings show the importance of continued follow-up of women having active surveillance.This study was conducted on the remote servers of the Danish Health Data Authority. Owing to Danish legislation, individual level data cannot be shared by the authors, and in cell counts actual numbers less than five cannot be reported.


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